About Me…

Welcome to Simple Tackle Box, my name is Joshua Neds, and my mission is to create an educational and entertaining fishing community.

But even more than that, I want to be a “fisher of men,” as described in the Bible, who seeks to bring others to faith in Jesus Christ. I believe in the God of the Bible, who created everything, from plants to fish to humans.

God created us perfectly, but with a choice: to obey or disobey. When the first man and woman disobeyed, their sinful nature was passed down to us. Since God is just, there’s punishment for disobedience, and we’re destined for hell due to our sin. However, God’s love is so great that He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to take our punishment. By trusting Jesus to save us, we can receive eternal life and have assurance of being with Him when we die.

If you have fishing or other questions, email me at joshnedsfishing@gmail.com.

My Fishing Journey

My fishing journey began in late spring 2023. I had never really thought much about fishing until then, although I had been fishing once or twice when I was younger. I started fishing for panfish and really enjoyed it! One day, while fishing with a small earthworm lure, I set the hook on a largemouth bass, and I’ve been hooked ever since. I have been blessed to catch a five, and almost six-pounder in my short fishing career.

In January 2024, I started a YouTube channel about fishing. I had been playing around with another channel but wanted to start one that I was truly passionate about. Since then, I’ve really enjoyed growing an audience and building a community on YouTube.